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Here at the University of Central Florida, a bond is shared among a remarkable group of women who encourage each other to be exactly who they are. We applaud each other to be involved, to make a difference, and most importantly, to be the best version of themselves. We involve our Sisters in milestones, from birthdays and road trips to graduation and engagements. 


Our open motto, "We Live for Each Other," encompasses the foundation upon which Alpha Delta Pi was founded. We all live by this motto, and it represents our relationship as Sisters. From the moment our Sisters run into our lawn on Bid Day, they instantly become part of our family. With every accomplishment, every setback and every new experience, ADPis know they can count on amazing women to be by their side. 


Our ADPi Sisterhood is a friendship that goes beyond the four years of college. It is a bond that cannot be matched, with a promise of trust, companionship and love.


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